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health benefits of exerci

Posted by shamser On Wednesday, July 21, 2010 0 comments

health benefits of exerci

the health benefits of aerobic exercise, are not obvious as the health risk of cigarette smoking. nevertheless, people who lead sedentary lives, without much more exercise, have been found to be at greater risk for heart disease and other illnesses. researchers at harvard and standford recently reported the reasult of major study of 17000 middle age and older men who were first studied as collage, students between 1928 and 1950 and then followed up periodically for many decades. the researches even at moderate, levels ,lived longer then those who did not even after correcting for such factors as family history , the death rate due to heart disease of the least active group was almost twice as high at that for the most active group. another recent study found that both men and women who keep physically fit were much less likely to develop high blood preasure ( a common precursor of heart disease) then those who did not keep fit. exercise may reduce the risk of heart disease and other disease in several ways. first there is evidence that regular exercise can favorably alter blood levels of different forms of which in turn may be related to the likelihood of place forming in coronary or tries second exercise can improve the health of overweight people by helping them to lose weight . then third exercise often has physical benefits, helping to relieve.


Posted by shamser On Wednesday, July 14, 2010 0 comments

in 1964, the surgeon general of the united states issued a famous report concluding that cigarette smoke is a direct causes of lung cancer. and since 1966, every pack of cigarettes in the united states has carried a health warning. more recently, the major role of smoking in causing heart disease has been firmly

established. smoking has been conclusively linked to many others disease as well as, including bronchitis, emphysema, layne, cancer, and pancreatic cancer. there is also maubnting evidance that simply being exposed to other people's smoke increases the risk of lung disease, especially in children despite these deadly effects, however, about 35 percent of adult men and 25 percent of adult women in the united states smoke cigarettes, averaging one and a half packs a day for a nationl grand total of some 600 billion packs a year expartment of health and human services, cigarette smoking is generally viewed as the most important behaviral risk to health, it has became a central concern of health psychologists.

marriage and fimily

Posted by shamser On Tuesday, July 13, 2010 0 comments

it is eriksen's claim that early adulthood revolves around the basic choice of intimacy versus isolation a failureto established close, loving or intimate relationships is said to result in leneliness nad longer periods of social isolation. marriage is certainly not the only source of interpersonal intimacy,but it is still the first choice for most americans. more young adults then ever before are post poning marriage plans


Posted by shamser On Monday, July 12, 2010 0 comments

the term stress has been defined in several different ways sometimes. the term is applied to stimuli or events in our enviroment that make physical and emotional and physical reactions to such stimuli or events as stressor and to emotional and physical reactions as stress.

many sorts of events of can be stressor, including disaster such as hurricanes or major life.events such as device or the loss of a job, and daily hassles such as having to wait in line at the supermarket. when you need to be somewhere else in ten munites . what all these events have in common is that they interfere with or threaten our accustomed way of life, when we encounter such stressors, we must pull together our mental and physical resources in order to deal with the challenge. how well we succeed in doing so will determine. how serious a toll the stress will like on our mental and physical well being.

population growth

Posted by shamser On 0 comments

population growth

population growth has both positive and negative impacts upon economic development, on positive side, it may be viewed as stimulant to economic progress,increasing demand for goods and services, which may lead to increase in investment. on the negative side, paradoxically rapid population growth can be impediment to economic progress, affecting to quality of life. all countries at time have some people living there, this number constitutes the size of population of that country at that time. this number however goes on continuously changing through births,deaths and immigration. in increase in the number of people in a country changing a period of time is called the growth of population. this growth is mainly due to excess of birth over deaths, as immigration in the present day world is an insignificant contributor to the increase in population in a country.

the rate of growth of population during a period is measured as the ratio of increase in population during a period to the total population at the beginning of the period. the growth rate of growth of population primarily depends upon the birth rate (measured as total number of birth thousand of population) the difference between birth rate and death rate,during a year is called the rate of growth of population in that year per 1000 population for example in 1999 the birth rate was 26.1 and death rate was 8.7. thus natural growth was 17.4 percent per thousand of population.


Posted by shamser On 0 comments


in the pervious lession you learnt that commercial banks usually provide short term finance to busoiness firm of leans and advances cash credit, overdraft, etc. but now a days, most of the commercial banks have also started term leading (long and medium term) and providing need based finance, of different time periods to firms of all sizes. consistent with the policy of liberalization, the banks have been allowed to evolve their own methods of assesing financal needs of the borrowers and extend them the term, loans for longer size and larger periods some of the banks have also started their industrial branches to finance exclusively to industrial enterprises. thus the commercial banks also now act as an important sources of medium term and long term finance for the business.

you know that a larger number of cooperative banks are new being operating in our country. these banks have the license from the RBI to operate like commercial banks. they also some times provide long term finances to small and medium scale cooperative industrial

direct marketing

Posted by shamser On Sunday, July 11, 2010 0 comments

direct marketingUnder this method of distribution the manufacturers by pass the chain of middlemen and approach the consumers directly and sell them the goods and services, without the help of wholesales and retailers. the manufactures inform the prospective customers about their products and its uses through advertisements (in newspapers, television FM, radio) or cataloges etters and brochures. if the customers wants to buy the product, he/she may place an order to the manufacturers over the telephone or through a letter sent by post or E-mail, the products. gets delivered to the customer through courier, post or by salespersons. the benefit of direct marketing to the producer as well as consumer is in the form of doing away with the profit margin of middlemen. the manufacturer able to the supply goods to the consumer at a lower price, even after keeping a larger share of profit margin as compared to the situation of distribution through middlemen. also, the time consuming process of the product changing hands from the producer to the wholesaler, then to the retailer and finally to the consumers, is avoided transactions are faster when the producer is face to face with the consumer also, the producer gets direct, feedback from the customers for improvement in the products.

