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population growth

Posted by shamser On Monday, July 12, 2010 0 comments

population growth

population growth has both positive and negative impacts upon economic development, on positive side, it may be viewed as stimulant to economic progress,increasing demand for goods and services, which may lead to increase in investment. on the negative side, paradoxically rapid population growth can be impediment to economic progress, affecting to quality of life. all countries at time have some people living there, this number constitutes the size of population of that country at that time. this number however goes on continuously changing through births,deaths and immigration. in increase in the number of people in a country changing a period of time is called the growth of population. this growth is mainly due to excess of birth over deaths, as immigration in the present day world is an insignificant contributor to the increase in population in a country.

the rate of growth of population during a period is measured as the ratio of increase in population during a period to the total population at the beginning of the period. the growth rate of growth of population primarily depends upon the birth rate (measured as total number of birth thousand of population) the difference between birth rate and death rate,during a year is called the rate of growth of population in that year per 1000 population for example in 1999 the birth rate was 26.1 and death rate was 8.7. thus natural growth was 17.4 percent per thousand of population.


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