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direct marketing

Posted by shamser On Sunday, July 11, 2010 0 comments

direct marketingUnder this method of distribution the manufacturers by pass the chain of middlemen and approach the consumers directly and sell them the goods and services, without the help of wholesales and retailers. the manufactures inform the prospective customers about their products and its uses through advertisements (in newspapers, television FM, radio) or cataloges etters and brochures. if the customers wants to buy the product, he/she may place an order to the manufacturers over the telephone or through a letter sent by post or E-mail, the products. gets delivered to the customer through courier, post or by salespersons. the benefit of direct marketing to the producer as well as consumer is in the form of doing away with the profit margin of middlemen. the manufacturer able to the supply goods to the consumer at a lower price, even after keeping a larger share of profit margin as compared to the situation of distribution through middlemen. also, the time consuming process of the product changing hands from the producer to the wholesaler, then to the retailer and finally to the consumers, is avoided transactions are faster when the producer is face to face with the consumer also, the producer gets direct, feedback from the customers for improvement in the products.


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